Marine Futures

Arc of Influence

Marine Futures

The influence of Aotearoa New Zealand is rapidly expanding. While we imagine ourselves located on some isolated islands in the South Pacific we now find ourselves giving governance for 2.3% of the entire globe. New Zealand’s islands make up only 1/40 of its ocean, seabed and Antarctic territories. How can a population of less than 5 million people protect its rights and influence to what goes on in these areas. Conventional mindsets might seek to strengthen naval capacity. However the study considers ways conservation values can be co-opted to express the values by which we seek to both protect and govern this area, and to build international support for our role as kaitiaki.


Aotearoa New Zealand

New Zealand imagines themselves as located on some isolated islands in the South Pacific…

Aotearoa New Zealand – Arc of Influence

They now find themselves giving governance for 2.3% of the entire globe. New Zealand’s islands make up only 1/40 of its ocean, seabed and Antarctic territories. How can a population of less than 5 million people protect its rights and influence to what goes on in these areas.

Conservation Values

Conventional mindsets might seek to strengthen naval capacity. However the study considers ways conservation values can be co-opted to express the values by which we seek to both protect and govern this area, and to build international support for our role as kaitiaki. Here we imagine an unbroken transect of land, sea, and sky: mapping conservation holistically.

Chantam Rise

Names designated for the Chatham Rise within New Zealand’s ocean territories (National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research 2006b)


Normative map of a section of Fiordland National Park, with the ocean territories monochromatically expressed. Versus A representation of Fiordland as a meeting of ocean and land territories within an expanded presentation of New Zealand’s “arc of influence”.

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